The 1921 Census

Of great interest to genealogists and in particular, Great War researchers, is the January 2025 release on Ancestry and other similar sites of the 1921 England and Wales census.

This gives researchers a snap shot of the lives of the men and women who survived the 1914-18 war, and reveals that with the loss of some 700,000 men, women now outnumbered men by some 1.7 million. It details just how many war widows there now were and how many married and now widowed women, due to financial circumstances, had to remarry in a great hurry.

The next census release is not due until 2051 when the 1951 census will become available. The 1931 census was lost in the Blitz during WWII, and the 1941 census didn’t happen due to the ongoing war, although a 1939 register of UK citizens is available.

The 1921 Census return for Frederick and Clara D’Hooghe.